Whether you’re a math and numbers type who prefers data and spreadsheets or a creative soul who thinks in words or pictures, there are some universally transferable skills that can significantly improve your career prospects. Let's explore nine examples of transferable skills that can benefit you in any workplace.

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1. desire to learn

Never lose your curious spark! No matter your job title or your experience, there’s always more to learn. Those who absorb knowledge like a sponge are the ones who adapt to changing circumstances and thrive. In fact, with this one key skill, you can do just about anything you set your mind to.

2. communication skills

Did your parents scoff at your “wasted” English degree? Well, the joke’s on them because the ability to communicate effectively, in writing and orally, is an essential skill that applies to any career. Whether you’re an accountant, a customer service rep or a marketing manager (or anything else), communication is a transferable skill you’ll count on time and time again.

3. time management

Effectively managing your time is one of the best examples of transferable skills that apply to absolutely any job from line worker to CEO. You work a set amount of hours; being able to maximize your productivity by using them wisely is a skill you can count on to serve you well in any job.

4. resourcefulness

Nothing is more frustrating to a manager than an employee who needs assistance with everything. If you’re resourceful, you’re able to figure out solutions on the fly without constantly turning to management. That’s not to say you don’t ever ask for help, but you’re more likely to take a moment to see if you can figure out a solution for yourself first.

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5. creativity

This is a skill we hear used over and over by job seekers. Though many claim to be creative (or its sister, innovative), few actually are. Being creative isn’t necessarily about having artistic talent, but instead having a unique perspective and thinking outside the box. Showing concrete examples of creativity in your cover letter and resume can make all the difference in standing out from the competition and landing your dream job.

6. positivity

Bringing a sunny disposition to work influences everyone around you. You might think your coworkers don’t notice if you’re having a bad day, but rest assured they do. Positive people who see work on the bright side are more pleasant to be around. More than that, they can boost the atmosphere they work in as a whole.

7. critical thinking

Whatever your role or industry, critical thinking skills are highly transferable. They help you cut through the noise, analyze information and make smart decisions. By working on your critical thinking, you'll become a better problem solver and a valuable employee.

8. adaptability

The workplace is constantly evolving. Whether it’s adapting to new technology, new staff or new protocols, being able to adjust and roll with the punches is a transferable skill that will serve you well in any industry. In fact, it might help you switch industries, if you’re looking for a career change!

9. listening skills

Being a good listener goes hand in hand with good communication. Truly listening to (not just hearing) what others have to say and taking it into consideration is a transferable skill you’ll call upon time and again. In fact, we’d argue this skill is applicable in just about every area of your life, and not just the workplace.

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