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The percentage of welders working in Montréal has increased more than any other Canadian city since 2016. In 2017 there were 3,018 individuals working as welders which is a 5.5% increase from the previous year. Welders are currently in high demand all over Canada, so skilled and experienced welders are very valuable.
While welder salaries in Montreal are lower in Montréal than other major Canadian cities, their salary still reflects the high demand for welders. In Montréal the average starting salary for a welder is $19.60 per hour. This hourly wage will increase based on the number of year of experience you have acquired as a welder. The following is the average hourly wage for welders based on their level of experience:
Entry level salary: $19.60 - 23.60
Intermediate salary: $21.30 - 25.60
Senior salary: $22.90 - 27.50
Experienced welders work in a wide variety of industries in Montréal. Most commonly, skilled welders will find themselves working in construction or factory environments. The top industries in Montreal that require welders are:
Obtaining a broad base of skills as a welder can make you very well-rounded and hirable. The more skills that you acquire, the more hirable you will be, and the higher your salary will be. In Montréal, knowledge of these areas will serve you well:
Are you curious about your future as a welder? There are many ways to advance your skill set. The current high demand for skilled welders opens up many opportunities for advancement as the field is expected to grow in the years ahead. Though a trade certification is not required to become a welder in Quebec, obtaining one can help propel your career. With experience and training as welder in Montréal, you can eventually find yourself in senior positions such as a supervisor or a manger.