In Calgary in 2017, there were 1,326 people working as millwrights. This is a 6.4% decrease in the number of people who worked as millwrights in 2016. This is the largest decrease in the number of millwrights in any city in Canada. This change may be attributed to the economic downturn that Alberta experienced in 2016, or to the retirement of senior people within the workforce.
In Calgary, the starting salary of millwrights is, on average, higher than the other major cities in Canada. If you are just beginning your work as a millwright in Calgary, you will see a base salary that is approximately $24.40 an hour. As you gain experience, you will see an increase in salary. Once you have achieved 5 years of experience, the average salary for millwrights in Calgary is about $35.60 per hour. The following is a breakdown of the average millwright salaries in Calgary:
Entry level salary: $ 24.40 - 29.20
Intermediate salary: $ 27.20 - 32.60
Senior salary: $ 29.80 - 35.60
As the 4th largest city in Canada and a hub for oil and gas companies, Calgary has a number of industries that require millwrights. The following is a list of the top industries that are currently in need of millwrights:
If you are looking to work as a millwright in Calgary, the following is a list of in demand skills that will help you achieve your goals:
In order to work as a millwright in Alberta, you will need to obtain valid credentials that prove you have received that proper training and that you possess the skills necessary to work in this field. Once you have obtained the certificates necessary to become a millwright, there are several different industries that you can work in and a variety of different paths your career can take. With experience you can continue to move up in a particular industry or you can even eventually become self-employed.