Workplace flexibility is far from a passing trend—it's a core expectation that’s here to stay. Employees have grown accustomed to the freedom it provides, and many are unwilling to return to traditional, rigid schedules.

Our 2025 salary guide underscores that flexible work options will be a driving force in retaining talent, with 40% of employees viewing remote work as non-negotiable. Yet, only 14% of employers embraced remote work in 2024.

This stark disparity signals the importance of aligning workplace policies with employee needs to create a culture that fosters both growth and employee well-being.

flexibility is a new reality for employers

Workplace flexibility has emerged as the most critical factor in creating a happy, productive environment. For Gen Z, it’s not just a perk—it’s a necessity. Our 2024 research revealed that 37% of younger employees changed jobs due to inflexible work schedules.

In contrary, many employers underestimate the staying power of flexibility, dismissing it as a temporary trend. With the rise of the gig economy and the increasing fragmentation and digitization of the workforce, flexibility has become the final frontier for employee satisfaction. A robust flexibility strategy is now integral to building a strong recruitment foundation.

Smiling man sitting on a couch holding a notebook and a pen.
Smiling man sitting on a couch holding a notebook and a pen.

Flexibility in the workplace does more than enhance well-being—it creates a pathway for upskilling and career development. In response, recruitment trends globally have shifted focus from years of experience to hiring for skills. Our 2024 research shows that 70% of employers view skills-based hiring as a more effective approach than traditional resume-driven methods.

Since workplace flexibility creates an environment ripe for learning and development, companies are shaping comprehensive HR policies to meet the diverse flexibility preferences of their workforce.

Recent surveys have shown that a significant portion of the global workforce desire the ability to determine their own work hours. This demand is especially prominent among Canadian employees, who are prioritizing flexibility when choosing where to work.

To attract and retain top talent, you must consider accommodating the changing needs of employees in the evolving job market.

more flexibility leads to higher-quality employees

When you do the work to create a flexible workplace, you can attract and hire better candidates. You’re also more likely to retain top talent, as good employees will leave a position if they find another that meets their needs and provides better flexibility. 

Companies that offer greater flexibility tend to have employees who:

  • are motivated and happy when they’re at work because they see their employers as trusting them to get the job done without micromanaging them
  • are more likely to become long-term employees, especially when the flexibility offered by their employer isn’t easily found with other companies
  • are more effective during working hours because they have the space to attend to work-life balance, including eating healthy meals, sleeping well, exercising more and enjoying an overall-higher quality of life with friends and family
  • are more productive and less prone to burnout because of all the factors listed above

where should you start in creating flexibility in the workplace?

Start by downloading our guide, ’cracking the talent code: flexibility.’ Our guide includes:

  • information and statistics that illustrate why flexibility is so important in the current job market
  • how flexibility, or the lack of it, can impact employee engagement and talent retention
  • some tips for how you can get started improving flexibility in your workplace

Simply complete the form below to get your free download and learn how to make your business even more competitive in this fast-paced market. 

discover more randstad resources for attraction and retention

Read our other articles to find out what workplace flexibility means to workers and check out our case study on how flexibility helps you hire and retain employees.

You can also check out the other guides we’ve written on this topic to inform a comprehensive strategy for attracting and retaining talent in 2023.

download our 2025 salary guide

Discover the congruence between workplace flexibility and talent retention. 

download the guide

Crafting a flexible workplace strategy is a vital, long-term initiative marked by continuous enhancements and innovations. A well-defined flexible benefits plan is essential to leverage the advantages of your employee engagement action plan effectively.

Today’s workforce is seeking options that allow for smooth transitions between remote and onsite work, along with flexible schedules and generous paid time-off—reflecting a deep commitment to work-life balance.

Additionally, employees want greater autonomy in deciding their work hours and achieving their targets. As an employer, it’s essential to weave this convenience into your onboarding process, ensuring that new hires feel valued and empowered from the very start.

more flexibility leads to higher-quality employees

Investing in a flexible workplace not only attracts better candidates but also plays a crucial role in retaining exceptional talent. Good employees are likely to seek opportunities that align with their convenience needs, and if they find them, they may leave.

When you do the work to create a flexible workplace, you can attract and hire better candidates. You’re also more likely to retain top talent, as good employees will leave a position if they find another that meets their needs and provides better flexibility.

Companies that embrace flexibility tend to have motivated and satisfied employees who appreciate the trust placed in them to deliver results without constant oversight. This trust translates into long-term loyalty, particularly when such flexibility is hard to find elsewhere.

how should you build workplace flexibility?

The findings from our 2024 Workmonitor report reveal a significant trend: employees are increasingly valuing work-life balance as much as their paychecks. A striking 93% of the workforce is in favor of flexible working hours, indicating a major shift towards a more adaptable work environment.

Flexibility encompasses more than the ability to work remotely. It's about creating a supportive and conducive work atmosphere that doesn't compromise the comfort found in remote settings.

At the core of flexibility is autonomy. For many employees, flexibility is much more than remote or hybrid work schedules. They seek flexible work to sort the other aspects of their lives and decide when and where to work.

The challenge for employers lies in devising ways to maintain productivity by enabling employees to manage unforeseen personal circumstances. An approach such as this creates a culture of adaptability and resilience in the workplace.

In such a scenario, what should be your barometer to ensure employee productivity? You must enable your employees to respond to unexpected life events in real time. An optimized execution of flexibility empowers employees with adaptability and influences in other facets of their lives.

The correlation between workplace flexibility and employee retention cannot be overstated. By constantly scanning for and addressing gaps in HR policies and attuning to employee needs, your organization can swiftly navigate the ever-changing workplace landscape.

Moreover, a robust communication framework is key to disseminating your vision of flexibility, crucial for drawing in and holding onto the brightest minds. Collaborate with our expert talent consultants to tailor a flexibility strategy that aligns with your ambitious talent aspirations, setting a new standard for workplace excellence.

discover the 2025 salary guide

Our 2025 salary guide is a powerful tool for developing a recruitment strategy that aligns with your growth objectives and the evolving talent landscape. You'll find:

  • National averages for the top in demand roles in each industry
  • Salaries defined for entry, intermediate, and senior experience levels
  • Key trends shaping industries in 2025
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