Job fairs offer a unique opportunity to engage with top talent. Being able to meet and screen a large number of potential candidates in a day or two can be an effective and cost-efficient way of filling open positions. So what are the best ways to form meaningful connections at a job fair?

Recruiting is a high-tech business these days, but there’s still plenty to be said for meeting candidates in the flesh. At a real-world job fair, you can connect with talent and showcase your brand in ways that are hard to replicate on a LinkedIn chat thread.

Here are five tips for making meaningful connections with job fair attendees.

Man and woman sitting at table having a chat, while woman working on a tablet.
Man and woman sitting at table having a chat, while woman working on a tablet.

1. plan for the job fair

There’s a time for winging it, but a job fair isn’t one of them. You need a game plan, including clearly defined goals for what you hope to accomplish and input from non-attending colleagues on their hiring needs.

Also, research the fair’s expected demographics so you know the kind of people you’ll be talking to. For example, a diversity job fair may require a different approach than one aimed at new graduates and early-career talent.

2. cut to the chase with candidates

Unlike a virtual event, candidates can’t dial into a real-world job fair from their dorm or living room. All attendees have made a physical effort to be there, so you can guarantee they’re motivated to connect with you and engage.

They also have a lot of company representatives to talk to. So, after introducing yourself warmly, move quickly to find out what the candidate is looking for and the skills and qualifications they can bring to the table. Once you’ve given your pitch and they’ve given theirs, you can shoot the breeze for a while. But it’s those first impressions that matter most.

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3. bring your best swag game

An uncluttered, minimalist job fair booth would be efficient and budget-friendly. But this is America, and people want swag. Failure to provide and prominently display your freebies could mean that candidates don’t even approach your booth.

Everyone gives out pens and tote bags, so if you want to stand out, consider dispensing quirky items like ping pong ball shooters and branded bean bag toss games.

Some of the best swag has practical, long-term value — a computer mouse pad, for example, or a magnetic business card that reminds candidates of your existence every time they grab a soda from the fridge.

4. don’t get sidetracked

Think of the qualities that make a great restaurant server. They’re alert and focused on customer needs rather than absorbed in their phone or chatting with colleagues.

A great job fair recruiter has the same vibe. Candidates won’t approach you if it looks like you have better things to do, so if you need to eat or send some texts, do it somewhere else. (Bonus tip: candidates are also more likely to approach you if you’re standing, so this isn’t the time to break in a new pair of shoes.)

5. network with other recruiters

Candidates aren’t the only people worth connecting with at job fairs. This is also your chance to size up the competition, see what they have to offer and adjust your strategy accordingly. And who knows? In this most fluid of hiring markets, this year’s job fair rival could be next year’s teammate.

Job fairs are a great way to connect and have meaningful conversations with talent, but sometimes your staffing needs are more urgent. At Randstad, our extensive network of candidates means we can find the right talent for your organization whenever you need it. Whether you’re looking for temporary or permanent hires, one employee or an entire team, our candidates are pre-screened and ready to work. We can assist every step of the way, helping you fill shifts quickly so you achieve your goals and propel your business forward.

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