Implicit bias is a subtle phenomenon. Most people are unaware of their own unconscious preferences until they are gently pointed out by others. Many business owners in Canada instinctively employ local candidates rather than considering the benefits of hiring immigrant workers. This isn’t because they want to discriminate against newcomers, but because they feel more comfortable with the familiar.

When Canadian employers aren’t aware of implicit bias, organizations suffer. Overlooking newcomer talent reduces workplace diversity in a country where 23 percent of the population are foreign-born. Employers risk their reputations when they fail to adopt inclusive hiring practices. And if they’re understaffed to begin with, they also risk employee burnout.

If you’re concerned about the demographics at your organization, read on. In this article, we’ll discuss four key benefits of hiring immigrant workers and how newcomers can help your business grow.


benefits of hiring immigrant workers

In 2015, Canada launched its federal expression of interest system. Also known as Express Entry, this points-based system makes it easier for skilled migrants to work in Canada on a permanent basis. Education, work experience, language skills and other factors all add points to migrants’ applications. Hiring immigrant workers can help you:

1. address talent shortages

Introduced in 1967, Canada’s permanent labour migration strategy is the oldest of its kind in the world. Since then, it’s welcomed more foreign workers than any other country.

Skills shortages already cause problems in the Canadian labour market. In a recent Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters survey, more than 80 percent of respondents said they were facing a labour and skills shortage. Meanwhile, 15 percent of manufacturers reported they were considering moving some or all of their production outside Canada because of the lack of workers.

Internationally trained workers can help bridge the skills gap. Immigrants, refugees, and foreign students and graduates are a vital resource for Canadian businesses. With the right newcomers on your team, you can compete more effectively in the marketplace and relieve pressure on existing employees.

2. expand your workforce

Canada’s newcomers add more than manpower — they also help boost the country’s population to sustainable levels. In other words, if immigrants didn’t come to Canada, there wouldn’t be enough people to sustain meaningful economic growth.

Zooming in, hiring foreign workers can help individual companies expand and succeed. If you’re hiring in volume, widening your talent pool to include immigrant workers makes sense. Some industrial positions are ideal for migrants who don’t speak much English or French yet.

Many economic migrants bring family members with them, some of whom may also be looking for jobs. You get a hard-working crew; newcomers gain work, on-the-job training and camaraderie as they settle into life in Canada.

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3. fill specific talent gaps

We’ve touched upon labour and skills shortages in the Canadian manufacturing sector — but other industries are also in dire straits. According to a recent Business Development Bank of Canada study, over 60 percent of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in Canada have trouble hiring and retaining employees. That’s compared to just over 40 percent five years ago.

Retail, construction and healthcare companies all report having major trouble filling vacancies. And business owners say existing staff simply have to work more to make up for the lack of skilled workers. Unfortunately, that approach can precipitate staff burnout.

Once again, internationally trained workers present a savvy solution. Internationally educated healthcare workers, for instance, possess the same skills as professionals who obtain their qualifications in Canada.

4. ramp up seasonally

So far, we’ve mostly written about permanent foreign-born workers — but what if you run a seasonal business? If contracts come in thick and fast in the summer or over the holidays, you might need to hire a number of extra people for two or three months at a time. In that case, temporary foreign-born workers can help you meet demand.

There are two main ways to hire foreign nationals on a short-term basis: the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Program and the International Mobility Program (IMP). If you can pass the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), you can use the TFW program to fill vacant positions.

Even if you don’t pass the labour market test, you may still be able to hire foreign-born workers with an LMIA exemption. If you can prove that hiring a specific foreign-born worker would give Canada an economic, cultural or competitive advantage in the global marketplace, you might be able to apply for the IMP.

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