Today we live in an era identified by rapid technological advancements and evolving workforce dynamics. With AI’s persuasive influence, anything ‘new’ expires swiftly. Having said that, skilled trades jobs help our communities build a seamless ensemble of well-functioning businesses, homes, and public places. Yet, the skilled workforce struggles to find new talent, as older workers retire. This dilemma has far-reaching implications, impacting a whole gamut of industries including construction, manufacturing, and automotive repair, to name a few.

The answer might just lie in the hands of Generation Z, set to surpass Baby Boomers in the workforce. Even before delving into the role of this population addressing the skilled trades crisis, it’s essential to grasp the magnitude of this issue. A recent Forbes research report states that the construction industry in the U.S alone faces a deficit of more than 500,000 skilled workers. What’s more? Gen Z labels skilled trades as blue-collared jobs, stigmatizing them substantially. Naturally, skilled work experience is overlooked as a viable career option, both by Gen Z and their parents. Adding to the challenge is Gen Z’s strong inclination towards higher academia.

Woman in housekeeping uniform, holding small toiletries bottles.
Woman in housekeeping uniform, holding small toiletries bottles.

the perspective s hift on skilled trades

On the bright side, the perspective on skilled trades is changing for most youth. With the soaring costs of university education, skilled trades are slowly transitioning into a lucrative alternative, offering a tangentially different professional fulfillment. Choosing a skilled trades career is truly fulfilling for the following reasons.

faster educational programs

University education demands heavy student debts and Gen Z is averse on taking up educational loans. Many recognize that vocational programs are cheaper than college and skilled trades offer better payouts and much-needed on-the-job training.

on-site training

Skilled trades training involves a hands-on practice, eliminating the need to be certified for everything a job requires. Some skills can be taught and the workforce can be certified on-site. This sits well with the Gen Z mindset where exploration and spontaneity ride the ship.

job security

According to a Thumbtack report, 95% of the surveyed skilled workforce feel secure in their jobs and don’t perceive AI as a threat to job stability, and 87% would choose the same career again. The skilled workforce is constantly in-demand, as skilled trades offer a significantly higher job security. Stability and security are the most important factors for Gen Z to decide their career, making skilled trades a much reliable career destination.

diverse career prospects

The skilled trades industry offers a wide array of career options, which might as well suit the hobbies and passions of the Gen Z. Weather its plumbing, woodwork, or electronics, the skilled workforce can have it all. Gen Z can choose from a plethora of options available.

Given these facts, it’s also pivotal to tackle stigma associated with the skilled workforce right at it’s roots. Most jobseekers are unaware of the promising career skilled trades can offer. Businesses hiring skilled workforce from the Generation Z must find the most lucrative growth opportunities these jobs can offer. Attracting this tech-savvy and ambitious generation requires a strategic shift in how we perceive and promote these vital roles.

So, how can you communicate this to a generation who grew up in a digital world?

offer apprenticeships and on-the-job training

Gen Z may not bring years of experience, but a fresh perspective and the ability to learn and adapt quickly. Apprenticeships give young people the opportunity to gain work experience, pick up skills and earn at the same time.

In turn, companies offering such programs can run cost-effective recruitment drives, hire a more diverse workforce, and optimistically improve their employee retention rates. Skilled trades provide a win-win solution for the companies and workforce, with hands-on work experience and scope for instant upskilling.

spread awareness

Gen Z searches for a career that assures self-reliance. Hence, students and parents must be exposed to the opportunities the skilled trades industry can offer. And, this responsibility lies in the hands of companies that recruit. Businesses hiring for skilled workforce must participate in career fares and contact vocational certification institutes to spread awareness about the skilled trades career path. Effective communication can be productive in discovering the Gen Z talent pool and retaining the recruited workforce.

promote stand-out company benefits and values

Strong company values and a good work-life balance are non-negotiable for Gen Z. They are just not a nice-to-have, but a distinguisher. To stay abreast with your competition, streamlining company benefits and work policies is critical. Some long-running org-wide strategies such as the following can enable you to gain an edge over your competition and attract the best talent.

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explain skilled trades’ flexibility and innovation

Gen Z are inclined to professions that offer flexibility, while fostering innovation. Skilled trades surely offer both. Companies that hire for skilled trades can offer more travel contractor roles, hiring skilled workforce on contract - a lucrative career possibility for most youth. Apart from contract hiring, communication around flexible work hours, days off, and vacation can be a major draw for most skilled trades companies.

champion diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)

The skilled trades have been male-dominated for a major period. Gender diversity can bring in unique skills and perspectives, in turn, enriching the industry. Moreover, Gen Z expects tangible efforts in DEI. An active promotion of company initiatives in the recruitment materials not only grabs eyeballs, but also enhances your brand credibility.

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get our white paper on how to promote equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility in your organization.

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highlight case studies of the skilled workforce

Humans need validation, and this tech-savvy generation needs it a little more. Then, why not highlight the success stories of tradespeople? Showcasing exciting aspects of skilled trades right from the skilled workforce itself captures young people’s attention and build a trust layer with the skilled trades industry.

harness new technology

By incorporating the latest tech and tools, you’ll appeal to a younger cohort. But that’s not all. When older, more experienced workers collaborate with tech-savvy Gen Z employees, it creates a unique knowledge hub. Seasoned workers can learn new tricks and embrace contemporary tools and digital platforms they might otherwise have ignored.

engage on social media

Nine in 10 Gen Z adults actively use social media, and around half spend at least two hours a day on it. Maintaining a strong presence on platforms like YouTube, Instagram and TikTok can be a powerful way of reaching younger talent. Share bite-sized, engaging content highlighting the benefits, job stability, mid-career transition, and flexibility, tradespeople enjoy. Curated videos showcasing apprenticeships, company milestones or “day-in-the-life” glimpses can also build loyalty around the varied career prospects and foster employee retention.

Innovation and drive for sustainability at their heart, the Gen Z can be an absolute essential brick to handle today’s skilled trades dilemma. This digitally dexterous generation has the power to revitalize the skilled workforce.

With a unique ability to streamline processes, improve efficiencies, and attract younger talent, companies can hire distinguished talent that not only is transformation but also trustworthy and highly reliable. If you believe that Gen Z is a tangible bet to disrupt the skilled trades recruitment paradigm, get in touch with us today.

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