Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming a regular part of the job interview process. A 2023 survey found that 43 percent of companies already use or plan to use AI interviews by 2024. With such rapid growth, it's tempting to consider whether AI could replace human interviewers completely. However, despite its promise, the technology isn’t quite ready for prime time. But as we’ll see, when it comes to AI interview preparation, it’s a different story.

Man and women having a meeting
Man and women having a meeting

the current state of AI in interviewing

Whether it's chatbots or advanced AI voices, the technology behind AI interviews is still hit or miss. These systems can be glitchy, leading to unreliable results. Also, they can create an uneven playing field, favoring candidates who game the system by giving ”AI-friendly” answers. Even during video interviews, candidates can use "interview co-pilots." These are AI tools that listen in and generate real-time answers based on their resumes and cover letters. This makes the process easier to manipulate and harder to trust.

While AI might not be ready to handle the actual interview, it's a powerful tool for AI interview preparation. It can help you polish your skills and become a more effective interviewer. Here are some ways you can use AI to enhance your interviewing techniques:

personalized training programs

AI can customize training programs just for you by analyzing your past interviews to pinpoint areas where you could improve. For example, AI tools can review your transcripts and flag any weak spots, like unclear questions or not using enough open-ended inquiries. By focusing on these areas, you can sharpen your ability to ask the specific questions that bring out the best in candidates.

simulated interviews

Some advanced AI tools can set up simulated interview scenarios, giving you a chance to practice in a controlled environment. These simulations can replicate different candidate responses, helping you adjust to various situations and fine-tune your techniques. The AI can even offer feedback on your body language, tone and overall demeanor—key factors in creating a positive experience for candidates. Practicing with these tools ensures you’re ready for whatever comes your way during the interview.

analyzing candidate feedback

AI tools can gather and analyze feedback from previous interviews, helping you spot patterns and areas for improvement. By comparing feedback from successful and unsuccessful interviews, you can fine-tune your technique. This approach helps you develop your interviewing skills based on real-world data.

enhancing questioning techniques

Asking the right questions is key to revealing a candidate’s true potential. AI can help you develop specific role-focused and behavioral questions that encourage more insightful responses rather than sticking to generic job description inquiries. For example, using tools like ChatGPT, you can create tailored questions that dig deeper into a candidate's key skills and problem-solving abilities.

Here’s how you might use ChatGPT prompts to achieve this:

prompt for developing behavioral questions

  • "Help me develop behavioral interview questions for a software engineer role that focus on problem-solving and teamwork. The candidate should have experience with Agile methodologies and Python."

prompt for crafting role-specific questions

  • "Generate interview questions that assess a marketing manager's ability to create and execute digital marketing campaigns, specifically focusing on social media and SEO."

saving your time

Interviewing involves plenty of administrative work, like scheduling and keeping in touch with candidates. AI tools can take care of these tasks. By automating the routine stuff, AI frees up your time so you can build better rapport and really explore a candidate’s strengths and qualifications.

While AI might not be ready to handle interviews on its own, it has a lot to offer when it comes to AI interview preparation. By using AI tools, you can sharpen your interview skills and become a more effective and insightful interviewer. The future of hiring will likely bring together AI’s efficiency with human intuition, creating a balanced approach that helps the right candidates find the right roles.

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