Having a clear and appealing employer brand is crucial for attracting talented employees to your organization. If potential employees, as well as current ones, hold your brand in high regard and perceive your company as a desirable workplace, it significantly simplifies your HR team's tasks. 

Your recruiting team can easily fill new positions and retain high-performing employees in the long run.

 However, it's essential to avoid common mistakes when it comes to employer branding. Here are a few examples we've encountered.


1. thinking you don’t need an employer brand

Unsurprisingly, many companies make this initial mistake regarding employer branding. Small companies or those experiencing a steady influx of interested candidates may often think, "We're doing well as is, why bother?" 

However, in today's highly competitive job market, such thinking falls short. The current job market is heavily candidate-driven, requiring proactive candidates to research potential employers and make informed decisions. 

If your brand appears lackluster, outdated, or nonexistent, you risk missing out on exceptional candidates who could have been an excellent match, had they known the true greatness of your company!

Curious about ways to enhance your employer brand or unsure of where to begin? Explore our comprehensive dossier on the topic for valuable insights and guidance.

2. overpromising and under delivering

Some employers believe that offering an abundance of perks is the key to establishing a strong employer brand. While it's true that an extensive list of perks can be appealing to prospective employees, it's crucial to follow through on any promises made. 

Perks hold value only when you deliver exactly what you commit to. For instance, if you assure a candidate of an employee snack bar, but they arrive at work to find a few boxes of stale cereal in the break room, their satisfaction is likely to diminish. 

Technically, you fulfilled your promise by providing snacks, but you exaggerated the offering, leading to disappointment and a more negative impression than if you hadn't mentioned it at all.

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3. playing it too safe

Your employer brand matters when recruiting. An unremarkable employer brand is easily forgotten. In today's competitive job market, job seekers have a plethora of options, enabling them to be discerning about the companies they choose to work for.

The current market heavily favours candidates, placing the responsibility on you as an employer to demonstrate to potential and current employees why they should choose your organization amidst a sea of alternatives. Playing it safe and blending in with the crowd can significantly harm your hiring process.

By thinking innovatively and outside the norm, you can attract exceptional candidates who are industry superstars and retain your organization's top talent.

4. making your employer brand too rigid

Some employers approach their employer brand guidelines as if they were strict legal contracts. Avoid becoming that employer who enforces the brand with an iron fist, issuing reprimands at the slightest deviation by an employee. 

Mistakes are inevitable, and a compassionate approach goes a long way. An employer brand consists of a collection of values and commitments made to both current and potential employees. 

Avoid monitoring your employees as if you anticipate them making errors. Introducing some flexibility into your employer brand is likely to foster greater satisfaction for both you and your employees.

5. underestimating the resources needed

If you believe that a compelling social media presence alone is sufficient to establish your employer brand, think again. While showcasing photos of your impressive office events on platforms like Instagram is a good beginning, it's only the tip of the iceberg. 

Constructing a robust employer brand on social media is a gradual process that demands both time and financial resources. It also necessitates the commitment and participation of your entire staff and leadership team. 

To effectively disseminate and reinforce the brand message, you may need to allocate resources toward outreach efforts and training initiatives.

6. thinking of employer branding as a one-time project

Your employer brand is a dynamic and ever-changing entity that continuously adapts to the evolving circumstances within your organization and the world. It's crucial to recognize that your employer brand is not a one-time project that can be completed, checked off, and disregarded. 

Such an approach does not align with the nature of an employer brand. Similar to your consumer brand, your employer brand is a long-term commitment that necessitates ongoing care and adjustments to ensure its vitality and strength. 

Consistently nurturing and making appropriate adaptations are essential for maintaining a healthy and thriving employer brand.

7. failing to shift course when it’s needed

Your employer brand will naturally evolve alongside your organization, employees, and the world at large. What constitutes a strong employer brand today may require adjustments in the future. 

Embrace a mindset of openness to change and actively seek feedback from both candidates and employees. If your employees express a need for revisions to your rigid work-from-home policy, take the time to genuinely listen and understand their perspectives. 

While you may not implement every suggested change, it is crucial to consider the feedback and make informed decisions that align with the needs of your organization. Stay attuned to what will make you competitive in today's job marketplace. 

Employees increasingly value aspects such as flexible work policies and the utilization of cutting-edge technology, which may not have been significant considerations just a few years ago.

8. not listening to employees

As mentioned earlier, your employees serve as the barometer for your employer brand. They are the ones immersed in the day-to-day operations and embody the essence of your company culture. 

Engaging with clients and customers, they perform the vital tasks that keep your business thriving. Their insights into why they choose to remain and what makes your company a desirable employer are invaluable. 

If your employees identify areas for enhancing the employee or candidate experience, it is crucial to listen attentively. They possess unique perspectives that you may not have considered. 

Avoid dismissing their feedback solely because it doesn't align with your personal experiences. It is your responsibility to listen to anyone providing feedback, particularly when their viewpoints differ from your own.

9. measuring success solely by numbers

As any branding expert would confirm, assessing a brand's success based solely on quantifiable metrics is challenging, if not impossible. A robust employer brand encompasses more than numerical data. 

While statistics like employee retention rates and time-to-hire can provide insights into the strength of an employer brand, there are additional elements to consider, such as the emotional connection and shared values employees have with your brand. 

Employee satisfaction directly impacts productivity and loyalty, but measuring contentment solely through numbers is a complex task. It is crucial to approach your employer brand from a holistic perspective, considering all aspects beyond mere numerical analysis.

The good news is that mistakes regarding your employer brand are remediable! If your company has previously made any of these employer branding mistakes, it is not too late to initiate positive change.

need more help figuring out the right direction for your employer brand? check out our employer branding centre.