introducing randstad’s international IT talent solutions.

Randstad provides single-channel access to custom IT recruitment and talent management that includes a mix of hiring locally and international outsourcing. Randstad’s International IT Talent Solutions team carefully assesses your talent needs and devises a multi-channel recruitment strategy to hire the right mix of local and international candidates to meet your specific business requirements.

This flexible solution combines robust in-house HR and IT expertise with the cost-efficiency of outsourcing your IT hiring. With our international IT talent solutions, you leverage our dynamic recruitment and talent management engine and tap into our global network of skilled talent. We have access to the largest IT talent network in the world, and act as steadfast gatekeepers, ensuring you access top-calibre talent that will uphold your brand and help you meet your strategic business goals.

IT talent delivery flexibility through a unique, customizable model.

traditional staffing managed resource program outsourced team
your requirements
You need to hire additional talent for your team. Talent can be permanent, temporary or contract.
You need a full team built. You want to centralize your HR processes and fill gaps in hiring and onboarding talent.
You need a custom solution built from the ground up. You prefer to receive a finished product.
risk management
You retain full control of hiring decisions and associated risks.
Risk is shared. You have final say on decisions. We handle day-to-day operations.
You pass risks on to us. We handle the project from end-to-end, relieving you of all risks.
division of responsibilities
We provide a pipeline of talent. You make final hiring decisions and set up HR processes.
We design, source and manage a team for you. You make decisions and drive strategy.
We manage the entire project. We manage the team, execution, and deliverables. You provide ideas and requirements.
main goal
Expanding your team
Centralizing your HR processes
Developing a custom solution

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a revolutionary approach to managing international talent.

Historically, outsourcing has been associated with cheap, low-quality labour. With the widespread shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic, outdated perceptions about employees who work remotely, even on an international scale, are starting to shift as employers recognize that outsourcing can help combat urgent talent shortages. As remote work is normalized, outsourcing is no longer equivocated with low-skill. 

In a recent global, cross-industry survey of employers, 71% responded that their IT function made use of ‘alternative workforce’ to surmount the talent shortages, with 33% calling their use of such solutions ‘extensive.’ Yet only 8% of respondents said that they had established processes to manage and develop their alternative workforce sources. 

With the right approach to hiring and vetting international talent, outsourcing key roles is a flexible way to adapt and access skilled talent in high-demand fields where local talent is in short supply. As IT talent shortages arise in areas such as Cloud development, Internet of Things (IoT), DevOps, Big Data, database management and other growing IT fields, companies must explore new ways to access, hire and manage talent. Randstad’s International IT Talent Solutions team offers a simple, one-stop-shop solution to create a balanced talent portfolio composed of the optimal mix of local and international talent.

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advantages of international talent solutions.

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